We built Showa Chemical's leadership on the Japanese diatomite and perlite markets through continuous improvement of our technology, so as to enhance product performance and quality. Our efforts have allowed us to establish a reputation for reliability in products that are vital in a wide range of applications from food and drink processing to chemical manufacturing, pool-water treatment, pharmaceuticals, and wastewater treatment. We have striven to ensure a safe working environment for our employees as well—something we see as a fundamental responsibility—by actively promoting health maintenance programs amongst our employees and using the most up-to-date technology to maintain a safe environment in the workplace.
Our products are used in a widening spectrum of applications by our customers that now extends to incinerator exhaust filtration, the manufacture of building materials, silicone resins, and soil conditioners.
Diatomite and perlite are unique resources that formed over the course of eons of natural history. We recognize our responsibility to use these minerals effectively as well as to work to ensure that future generations will be able to enjoy their benefits too. As a conscientious corporate citizen that wants to be respected by customers and the public alike, we understand our duty to provide as many people as possible with products that offer both value and satisfaction.
We at Showa Chemical are committed to fulfilling our obligations—as a manufacturer with a duty to its shareholders as well as an environmentally aware, safety-conscious, and socially responsible corporate citizen.
We hope our efforts will meet with your approval and look forward to an opportunity to serve you.